I will talk about Japanese education, especially class. There are four types of school in Japan, elementary school, junior high school, high school and university. This time I will talk about Elementary school, Junior high school, and High school.
I will talk about Japanese education, especially class. There are four types of school in Japan, elementary school, junior high school, high school and university. This time I will talk about Elementary school, Junior high school, and High school.
First there is elementary school for six years. Then children learn basic things. When you pass on to the fifth or six grade, study becomes difficult. Class form is simple; teacher forward class and student answer the question by raise hand.
Next there is junior high school for three years. There are many difference points. For example class time is a little longer than elementary school, Each subjects have teacher, English class is start.
High school is almost same as junior high school. But every subject becomes more difficult. Especially there were many people who dislike English.